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Fat cells have two types of receptors for adrenaline and noradrenaline called “alpha” and “beta” receptors. When catecholamines bind to beta receptors, fat cells are mobilized for fat oxidation. When the chemicals bind to alpha receptors, the cells don’t mobilize.This is the scientific explanation for the “stubborn fat” phenomenon and the reason why it’s so hard to lose those last few pounds on your lower abs, hips or thighs. Stubborn body fat areas in your body are high in alpha and low in beta receptors. Research shows that yohimbine blocks the activity of alpha receptors. This enables your body to reduce fat stores faster, and it’s particularly useful for battling stubborn body fat areas.
Core Champs Yohimbine 5MG 120 Capsules
Enhanced Yohimbine 120 Capsules Promotes Fat Loss
Core Champs Yohimbine 5MG 120 Capsules
CORE CHAMPS Yohimbine gives you nature's unexploited fat burner and appetite suppressor in a bottle, providing bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts with a competitive edge in looking and feeling good overall. Yohimbine HCL is extracted from Yohimbe...
Muscle Rulz YOHIMBINE HCL 5MG 120 Capsules
Muscle Rulz Yohimbine HCL is an ingredient that serious fitness enthusiasts keep in their arsenal and add to their supplement regimen often when dieting, during contest prep, or when they need an extra boost in performance....
Enhanced Yohimbine 120 Capsules Promotes Fat Loss
ENHANCED LABS YOHIMBINE Enhanced Yohimbine Fat Loss - Studies show that yohimbine accelerates fat loss but how it does it is a little complicated. Fat cells have two types of receptors for adrenaline and noradrenaline...
Redcon1 Basic Training Yohimbine 2.5Mg 90 Capsules
Keep The Energy, Forget the Hunger Redcon1 Basic Training Yohimbine 2.5Mg Yohimbine HCL is an ingredient that serious fitness enthusiasts keep in their arsenal and add to their supplement regimen often when dieting, during contest...